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Kulturnatten - Udforsk essensen af esoterisk tantra, yoga og meditation

Placering:København N
Fra:11/10/2024 kl. 18:00
Til:11/10/2024 kl. 23:00
Antal visninger:213

På Kulturnatten åbner vi dørene for dem, der ønsker at udforske deres væsens inderste hemmeligheder gennem Orientens tidløse visdom tilpasset moderne tid. Oplev NATHA som en spirituel skole og et spirituelt fællesskab, lær om karakterdannelse gennem yogaens transformative kraft, udforsk hvorfor tantra er relevant for dig, oplev en unik Yang Spiral meditation, hav modet til at være en del af den erotiske revolution, udforsk det magiske spil mellem det maskuline og feminin, og se livet fra et guddommeligt perspektiv! Der vil også være en Chai & Chill Out Lounge med lækre sunde snacks. Kom og få tændt din indre gnist og skru op for intensiteten af ​​livsglæde, energi og bevidsthed, intimitet og hjertedybde.

NB! Alle arrangementer er på engelsk. Adgang med Kulturpas


18:00 - 18:30 Intro to NATHA: Spiritual School & Community

Our mission is to make high-quality spiritual knowledge & training available for anyone who aspires to transform – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Learn about us as a spiritual school & community!


18:30 - 19:15 Workshop: Yoga to Transform & Build Character

Practiced properly, Yoga is much more than simple physical training. Learn how Yoga helps us develop mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual qualities – even our energy, mental focus, and creativity! (Includes yoga session)


19:15 - 20:00 Lecture: Why Tantra is Relevant for You

Learn how Tantra approaches every life situation as an opportunity for growth, and the amazing solutions Tantra provides for our challenges in all areas of life – work, relationships, health, love – and even helps us to discover & fulfill our deepest needs!


20:00 - 20:45 Experiential: Yang Spiral Meditation

A unique method for experiencing the expansion of consciousness – the yang spiral grants an intense and powerful flux of solar energy that deeply dynamizes our entire being and awakens our consciousness at higher and higher levels. Try for yourself!


20:45 - 21:30 Workshop: Dare to Join the Erotic Revolution

Come learn about the sublime, sacred aspects of Eroticism – the true essence of Love and Eros that fulfills the heart and soul. We will explore how sacred eroticism and profound conscious intimacy are keys to true, long-lasting fulfillment in life!


21:30 - 22:15 Workshop: The Magical Game of Masculine & Feminine

Come experience the Law of Polarity, and the dynamic interplay between the Masculine and Feminine! We will start by exploring the qualities & virtues of the masculine/feminine, and then experience the magical game between the two through interactive exercises!


22:15 - 23:00 Lecture: Godly Attributes – the Building Blocks of Consciousness

The Godly Attributes represent a set of practical guidelines for a Godly-Integrated life. Learn to manifest moment by moment exactly the attitude or state that the moment truly needs in order to realize perfection in action.


Se mere her: https://natha.dk/kulturnatten/


Køb dit Kulturpas her: https://shop.kulturnatten.dk/kulturnatten-2024

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